Embodied Freedom Coaching

The ultimate Trauma program that trains you to Master your own healing so you can be and do anything!

Hello my friends!

By the time you finished kindergarten, you likely learned two things:

  1. There is a right and wrong for everything and the authorities that determine what’s right and wrong live outside of you.
  2. How to play the game of “do this to get that” – even when “this” doesn’t feel so good to you.

But these two lessons disconnected you from the inherent wisdom that lives inside you! 

You may not have realized it was happening, but somewhere you started doubting your own instincts.  You began to bury your truth and either became a people pleaser or started acting out. You may have decided there was something wrong with you. Maybe you even collected some psych or health diagnoses to prove it. Or maybe with all your wit and intelligence, you figured out how to work the system and have had incredible success – but you still aren’t happy.

No matter how you’ve failed, succeeded, formed addictions, or lost yourself in work or relationships; no matter how hopeless or confused you feel; no matter how young or old you are –  

It’s time to come HOME to YOU!

Because you have a zone of genius waiting to be discovered. 

Hi, my name is Erin LoPorto,

I am not a therapist.  I don’t believe there is some magic key in your past that will set you free. 

I am not your typical coach. I don’t believe reaching your next goal in record time is the key to lasting happiness.

Yes! I think you’re capable of achieving your goals and quickly! 

But most goals are set to impress external authorities OR based on the belief that achieving that goal is going to “make you happy.”  

I promise you, if you are not “happy” NOW, no goal is going to get you there for more than the 30 seconds it takes to realize you’ve done it… but now what?

 Did you know the majority of dieters rate themselves less happy after they dieted than before?

 It doesn’t matter if they gained, lost, or stayed the same weight!

 Most people set goals in a way that says:

Me, now = not good enough.

TRUTH: You, NOW, are exceptional!

And that’s where we start.  What does it take for you to know – with your mind, heart, and body – that you have magic in you?  

Are you ready to trust your own brilliance, discover your true goals, and reach them in a sustainable way? 

Embodied Freedom Coaching is a spiritual, body-based program designed to help you know and love your body and life from the inside out! Program tracks are tailored to meet your individual needs and desires. They are rooted in mindfulness and embodiment and include three signature elements: 


Learn to listen to your body and create daily rituals that will bring you the greatest inspiration, health and vitality to your body, mind, and spirit.


Master tools to free your mind of limiting beliefs and reconnect to your deep knowing, passion, purpose, and intentions. 


Act from a place of alignment, step into the unknown, discover opportunities you can’t imagine right now.
Embodied Freedom Coaching Includes:
Body and Self Love

Do you want to develop a positive body image, heal an eating disorder, disordered eating, or end chronic dieting? Do you want to enjoy seeing, being in and moving your body? 

This was the first program and passion I developed.  It has evolved, but I still like the original description if you want to check it out

Whether you are suffering from a full blown eating disorder, disordered eating or just tired of thinking about what diet or exercise routine you “should be doing”, it time to redefine your relationship and fall in love with yourself!

  • Heal the relationship with your body
  • Understand functional nutrition and how to eat right for you
  • Connect with movement you love
  • Learn to establish boundaries and put yourself first
  • Find your feelings and release negative messaging
  • Learn to love your body NOW while taking actions that support it
  • Develop full self-expression
Healing Trauma
Have you experience trauma?  Do you suffer from PTSD, depression, anxiety, eating disorders or ADHD related to that trauma?  

In trauma, there are little “t’s”: the more minor but repetitive occurrences of events like emotional abuse, harassment, being under-minded, neglected, or told negative things about your sex, race, and identity.  Little “t’s” also include regular life stressors like loss, breakups, and injuries. Then there are big “T’s”: life-threatening events, accidents, or violence against you. Any event or pattern is considered trauma when it alters the way you relate to yourself or the world.  Trauma lives in the body.  Many other conditions such as anxiety, depression, and ADD have roots in trauma and can be healed and freed from the patterns in the body-mind connection.

  • Learn how to care for your nervous system
  • Develop the skills to master your mind
  • Recognize the patterns of fight, flight, freeze, and fawn in your life
  • Rebuild relationships – first with yourself, your body, and its instincts
  • Engage your whole body in the healing process
  • Learn to hold safe space for yourself
Healthy Relationships
Do you want to have more fulfilling relationships? Do you want to be able to stay calm and clear through difficult conversations and heal unhealthy intimacy patterns?

Relationships are the heart of being human.  We hold all different kinds of relationships in our lives.  Some casual, some intimate, some challenging.  Numerous studies have shown that those with strong social connections tend to live longer and healthier lives.  We need connection and we thrive with support. Whether you are looking to heal broken relationships, build new relationships or just bring the spark back to existing ones it all starts with your relationship with you!

  • Understand your own feelings, thoughts and behaviors
  • Become a master at communicating and setting effective boundaries
  • Learn to hold space to create more honesty and intimacy
  • Recognize and heal co-dependent patterns, balance power-dynamics and deal with difficult personalities
  • Develop the confidence to be yourself no matter who is around
  • Explore the power of play
Higher Purpose
Do you long for an inspired life, self mastery and the courage to be YOU? Are you a working artist, entrepreneur, or origninal thinker looking to get traction in your life and work?

Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs puts Self-Actualization on top. Self-Actualization is what I hold for each of my clients to achieve.  It doesn’t matter if you need to help with your career, relationships, education, work-life balance, getting out of the red, changing your mindset, or something else.  The truth is that all of the answers you are looking for already live inside of you. You just haven’t been shown how to access your wisdom or to trust it. 

  • Figure out what YOU really want and know you DESERVE it
  • Stop buffering your feelings with food and Netflix so you can fight for your dreams
  • Become a master at developing new and positive habits
  • Balance “hunger and happiness” for sustainable progress (Hunger: feeling your full potential in a way that motivates you to do the work to manifest it. Happiness: being content in the gap between where you are and where you are going)
  • Become your own highest authority and biggest support by engaging your whole self: body, heart, and mind

Are you ready to harness your BODY’S WISDOM, connect with your PURPOSE, and live your MOST FULFILLING LIFE? 

To start your journey with Embodied Freedom Coaching, it’s as simple as scheduling a FREE Get to Know Each Other Call. You will experience what it’s like to be coached by me and receive some awesome tools and insights you can implement immediately.

If you want to continue from there, we’ll develop a plan together that works for your budget and busy life. 

No-Risk. No Pressure. No Long-Term Commitments.

I look forward to connecting with you soon!

With Love,  




“Working with Erin allowed me to reconnect with my REAL self, my TRUE self. She helped me find the ME I wanted to know.”

“Erin is a supernova of love and light and joy! She is so accepting I was able to accept myself. She held such belief in me I was able to remember my way.”

“Erin. What to say? She just blows me away everytime!  The wisdom that comes out of her mouth – I don’t know where she gets it.  But boy am I grateful to have met her when I did.  She truly changed my life.”


“Erin holds her energy so well and has been a great light to me in my journey. She has deep-rooted knowledge that allows her to meet her students/clients wherever they are. I found my feelings while working with Erin! I now feel so much lighter, and I am confident I am on MY right path to healing and self-acceptance.”

“I have known pain, suffering, fear and darkness.  I have also known beauty, strength, joy and hope. With the support and compassion of Erin I learned to honor all of these experiences. I learned to live. Erin is my greatest teacher.”

“All I can say is book a one-on-one session with Erin. It was absolutely life changing. My only wish is that I had done it sooner!”


“Erin LoPorto embodies Peace, Power, Grace and Wisdom, all in one lovely person. She is patient, kind, connected, non-judgmental, and personal. She has a very unique and special gift for combining bodywork with spiritual work in a way that is seamless and holistic. I am so very grateful to Erin for sharing her wisdom with me!”

“I was absolutely at the end of my rope when I met Erin. I had been to all sorts of other professionals and all I felt was more pressure to get better and do better. Erin was just so warm and so present and approached things in a totally different way that I didn’t know was possible. She made me want to live again.”

“Erin is incredibly warm, sensitive, knowledgeable and vulnerable in a good way. I felt so depleted and disconnected from myself. Now I do good things for my body and I feel so much more confident. I am more in touch with myself than I’ve ever been.”

Embodied Freedom Coaching

The ultimate Trauma program that trains you to Master your own healing so you can be and do anything!

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